I gave the books to my mom and grandmother on Christmas day and asked them to look it over and add any info they thought it needed (which I know is still a lot). I believe what I'm going to do for the pictures is just get copies of them and put them into envelopes and put them into the pockets of the 3 ring books with them labeled on the back. It will be much easier to do it this way than to try to organize the pictures on my print shop program with several pictures on one page.
The most enjoyable part of doing this project was meeting the new relatives I found through the surname forums online. All the new cousins I found had a lot of very helpful and valuable information that I would have never known about and neither would my family. I encluded copies of some of the emails I received in the back of the book so they would know I got a lot of help with this project.
My grandmother was very helpful with the pictures she let me get too. I took my new Nikon Coolpix camera that Chip got me as an early Christmas gift and took pictures of the pictures that she had which worked out pretty good. I'll post some of the pics I got from her here:
I really love all these great old pictures my grandmother had. She had a lot more that I really need to get too. Well that's it for right now. I'll be posting more about my family book and how I put it together later.
1 comment:
Forgot to label the pics
Pic 1: My great great grandmother
Pic 2: My great grandfather
Pic 3: My great great grandparents family. My great grandmother is on the far R in the white dress.
Pic 4: My grandfather's sister
Pic 5: My grandfather and his brother
Pic 6: My great grandmother and great aunt
Pic 7: My mom as a school girl
Pic 8: My grandparents when dating and after yrs of marriage
Pic 9: My great grandmother and her sisters
Pic 10: My uncles as kids
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